Galle Cancer Foundation

Guided Meditation

Meditation is a way to train the mind. According to Buddha, meditation trains the mind not to dwell in the past or contemplate about the future. 


As a daily practice, it is especially beneficial for cancer patients as the treatments have significant side-effects that greatly impact emotional well-being.


  • Meditation is a tool that helps to be less stressed, and less anxious.


  • Mediation can help patients and their carers stay focused on the present moment and not worry about the past or the future. It can help a cancer patient and their family to be okay with not knowing what may happen next.


  • Cancer can leave a person feeling helpless and not in control of the body. Meditation can restore a sense of calm and helps us be kinder to ourselves and to others.


  • Additional benefits of meditation are that it gets us to accept the present in a way that is non-judgemental.


  • Meditation relieves stress and brings clarity of thought and with regular practice it cultivates focus.


  • Most importantly, guided imagery with meditation can help ease depression and can help break the cycle of negative thoughts. It increases self-awareness, reduces fear, and has a positive effect on the mood and attitude that helps with the overall healing process.

Please contact us if you would like to know more or join a class.